An order of 250 units of electronics kits for pinball machines, each containing 85 parts. Components were sourced from multiple suppliers and sorted at a thrid party assembly facility. Spot checks were performed in house to ensure quality before shi…

An order of 250 units of electronics kits for pinball machines, each containing 85 parts. Components were sourced from multiple suppliers and sorted at a thrid party assembly facility. Spot checks were performed in house to ensure quality before shipping. 

The key to success in any industry is specialization. Manufacturing is no different. Theta Composites can help you identify the requirements to move your product from a garage shop to a rate production enterprise.

We work with suppliers and manufacturers around the world to balance costs, schedule, and quality to meet the needs of our customer's products. We can set up the network of suppliers to deliver Just-in-Time supply, as well as drop ship between vendors to minimize transportation lag and shipping costs.

We can help you set up fulfillment services and network with retailers to reduce the overhead of retail sales and allow you to focus on what you do best, building the future of your industry.